Drain Pros Expert Blog

5 Reasons Why Descaling Drains Is Necessary
A clean and reliable drainage system will be a huge benefit for your home. Over time, it can collect deposits of various materials. If unattended,

5 Garbage Disposal Maintenance Tips
The best way to keep your garbage disposal going for years on end is to use it properly and with care by following these five tips.

Why Are Plumbers So Expensive?
Fair plumbers offer competitive pricing based on three variables: availability, materials, and expertise.

Can Water Heaters Explode?
Water heaters can explode under the right, or rather, wrong circumstances. These explosions are very rare, but when they do happen, they can be devastating.

What Is a Slab Leak?
If you suspect a leak, find it and fix it quickly to avoid damaging your concrete foundation. Learn about common leak indicators.

How to Wash Dishes Without Water Waste
Here are a few of our tips for those without a dishwasher to keep water waste down and get the dishes clean in an efficient way! So pull on your gloves and let’s dive in.